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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost to the parent or legal guardian?

All participants in the program are awarded a $45,000.00 scholarship. Parents/Guardians do not pay uition, room or boarding costs associated with the program. The Academy enrollment is free.

Is the parent or legal guardian’s employment salary a disqualification for the applicant’s enrollment?

No, the parent or legal guardian’s employment salary is not a factor for the applicant’s enrollment qualification process.

What ages do you accept?

Applicants must be at least 15 and 7 months, and no older than 18 at the start of the selected class. Applicants can turn 19 while in the program.

When can the cadet have family visitation?

Family Day visitations are scheduled by the Program Coordinator. Mentor visitation is limited to the Mentor(s) only.

Can the cadet write or receive mail?

Yes, your cadet can receive mail, and is encouraged to write home.

Phone calls… When can I talk to my cadet? Can the cadet call me?

No, you may not call your cadet directly. You must call your cadet’s assigned counselor to address any concerns or issues. Cadets can earn the privilege to make phone calls after beginning at the end of the third week.

Medical Mission

The Mission of the Medical Section at the Freestate ChalleNGe Academy is to ensure that all cadets remain healthy while in residence. This mission is met by providing daily sick call, distribution of physician prescribed medications, weekly barracks inspections and adherence to the core competency of Health & Hygiene. The Health & Hygiene core competency consists of classes and briefings on hygiene, substance abuse prevention, nutrition and safe lifestyle choices. Additional classes on managing pressures before marriage, date rape and gang awareness are also provided.

Frequently Asked Medical Questions

My child takes medication for ASTHMA, is this disqualifying?

NO…asthma is not considered disqualifying for admission into the Academy. Many cadets routinely carry their inhalers and make it successfully through the program. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the cadet has sufficient inhaler and other medication to properly treat the cadet’s condition as directed by the cadet’s physician.

What medical conditions are disqualifying?

NO medical conditions automatically disqualify any applicant. However, every participant must be able to successfully complete the 8 Core Components, one of which is Physical Fitness.

What happens if my child gets injured while attending the Academy?

All injured cadets are brought to the medical section by Academy staff members where they are assessed and evaluated. Injuries that can be treated within the scope of practice of the medical section are treated and the cadet is returned to their daily activity. Injuries requiring immediate medical attention beyond the scope of care of our medical section are transported to the local civilian hospital. Parents/guardians are notified when a cadet is transported to the local civilian hospital.

Why is a physical required prior to admission to the Academy?

All cadets require a physical examination by a licensed physician to ensure all cadets arrive at the Academy in a healthy state. The rigors of Academy life are many and a healthy cadet has a greater chance of successful completion. Additionally, a physical examination may disclose a previously undiagnosed medical condition which may require special attention or medication.

If my child has already received all of their immunizations do they need to get them all over again?

NO. You will be required to bring a copy of your child’s current immunization record, verified by the appropriate medical staff person, at the time of in-processing. All immunizations required for admission into Maryland schools must be received. Special attention must be given to Hepatitis B, Meningococcal and Varicella as these are all required for admission into the Academy. Your child will not be admitted without a verified copy of their immunization record.

Why do you need copies of my medical/dental/pharmacy insurance cards?

When care is required beyond the scope of practice of the Academy medical facility cadets are transported to the local civilian hospital for treatment. Proof of medical insurance as evidenced by the copy you provide to us assists the treating hospital in providing timely care for your child. All co-pays required by your private insurance remain Parent/Guardian responsibility.

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